Some Guidance for Empaths

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With love and care ๐Ÿ’›

Support for Empaths

This one is for you if you identify as an empath some advice and some guidance just some tips on how to navigate things because it's not so easy to be an empath In This Very populated often disharmonious world that we live in so if you're an empath what that means energetically is that your boundaries are very very open you're porous you're like a sponge and anything that's in your environment you're going to filter now normally that's not an issue unless what you're filtering is sticking to you so my first piece of advice for you if you're an empath is to get very very very Immaculate about your inner work about your emotional healing work because this reality Field Works according to Resonance and so if negative energies are sticking to you or you are in training with them what that means is that you're resonating with them otherwise they would just pass right through you and your your hologram or your energy field would maintain its Integrity with your original Essence with your seed but because you have emotional blocks like everybody walking this Earth the energetic information is coming in the frequencies are coming in and they're sticking to you they're not passing through so if you encounter somebody who has a lot of repressed suppressed anger they're very angry person that's naturally going to be very frightening and upsetting possibly but definitely energetically disturbing for you if you're an empath you're going to feel the disharmony and your first impulse is probably going to be to try to fix or heal the disharmony but you need to remember that it has nothing to do with you their disharmony is their decisions their choice it's their world to live in and to work with as they choose so if they want to remain in that disharmonious state it's their divine right to do so so try to resist the urge to help okay if you work with yourself on that or probably you already have you might have discovered that your desire your impulse to heal other people if it's unprocessed often has to do with self-interest you want to restore the harmony so that you feel peace again and that could be why you're reaching for other people who are in disharmony in order to help heal them it's very common for somebody who's an empath to have experienced in disbalance this harmony is chaotic wounding childhood and that's another reason why we subconsciously want to fix or heal others we're trying to um repair what happened to us so we're working to heal the past by trying to fix the present and if that's going on unconsciously then you can get into trouble and this is when sometimes you find an empath has bonded with a narcissist or is in a toxic unhealthy or abusive relationship um or are taking on too much in their work environment for example trying to people please and not holding their boundaries it's because you're unconsciously trying to fix and repair your past by working with your present in an unhealthy way so anyway back to what I was saying to the original Point um if you're sensing anger at somebody and you leave the room or you leave the event or the Gathering or whatever it is and you find that you're still caring and holding that foreign energy inside of you that's a cue for you to check yourself for suppressed repressed or hidden anger that is within you because if that wasn't there then their energy wouldn't be sticking to you it would have just gone by and not had anything to do with you you may not have even noticed um so working on yourself is the number one thing uh for an empath

so you're somebody who probably is born extra sensory uh very attuned on the emotional level has a very open heart and a lot of compassion um but but the psychological boundaries are not quite healed and so we're taking on the information from others that's not in our best interest so another tip for you if you're an empath is to remember what's mine is mine and what's theirs is theirs so try to resist going into the Savior mode um don't see them as a victim either right you're responsible for yourself and you have the power to shift and transform anything that you choose that has to do with your own system with your being and so does everybody else in the universe so it's not your job to save or heal or fix anybody and if you feel that impulse or if you feel yourself reacting negatively to these words maybe do a little inward journey and and test yourself what are the main reasons that I want to heal others and you're going to have light reasons and you're also going to have Shadow reasons so it's important to get very clear with yourself on all of those reasons so that you can deliberately choose why you're doing something and not be pulled around by your subconscious status

um energy healing is also something that's really really important for you to learn and to know if you're an empath because then you can clean your own Fields so if you're in training with or absorbing energies from your surrounding it's good to know how to purify your org fields for example or also very important to know what your own energy signature is to connect to yourself through your thymus gland which is the portal to your core and become very good at in training yourself with that frequency with your fingerprint with your signature so that when you are around others and this is very challenging at the beginning you can use your um your muscle of energy work and self-awareness to stay in tune and entrained with your signature with your fingerprint and that'll help you repel all the foreign frequencies that you tend to sweep in as an empath so a good strong connection with your core self is really important and something that follows from that is learning to tell the difference between your own emotions your own energies and those of your surrounding and the better you get at making that distinction the easier it will be for you to maintain entrainment with your signature so if you think of yourself as a hologram as a projection you want to be you want that light that projection to be as clear of a picture as clear of reflection of your seed your true self as it possibly can be you don't want any foreign entities or particles in there so that's why I say to foster a very strong connection with your inner Bank


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