Accessing Information from Higher Dimensions

The information will come, and probably there are many paths. Your inner work journey is what gets everything aligned.

All true and good information for the individual, comes from within that individual. Inner work gets everything properly aligned, clear, and connected in order to receive that information well. Shadow work is usually a very good place to start with inner work, because this is the process of healing and clarifying the psyche; which is the bridge between the material world and spiritual one.

The energy system is like 15 lane highway (to put it very crudely) and any roadblocks on any lane in any “location” will interrupt or distort the signal of information.

Energy healing later on to connect and repair the multi-dimensional system (which is the antennae to higher dimensions of information) also helps very much. Although the upper energy centres are important in the process of receiving higher level information, Information is not coming only in through the pineal gland, and for sure not through the third eye.

Mental blocks housed in the “left-brain” can block the bridge between conscious and subconscious awareness. Having the hemispheres of the brain working in harmony, with heart coherence sets a great platform for clear inner world communication. It’s also important to ask clear questions, because the reality field is operating with call and response. Remember to check from where is the answer coming!

The key is to direct your questions well, so that you don't start speaking with misdirects, to have your system well aligned, and to be healed and clear in the psyche also so that shadows don't interrupt.

Looking inward to yourself is the first step and most important step.

With love and care.


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