Healing with the Seasons

Alignment to the seasons and the natural cycles provides huge support for healing, and a happy daily life. During this winter solstice time of the year, I like to light candles, liver cleanse, pray, reflect, go gently, and eat plainly. With love and care ๐Ÿ’›


Heart based healing (cPTSD, Developmental Trauma, Inner Child Work, Trauma Release Therapy, Psychotherapeutic Energy Healing, Spiritual Psychotherapy, Soul Retrieval) Block Clearing, Psychic Surgery, Energy Coaching, Esoteric Coaching, Ancestral Healing, Karmic Healing, Heart based healing (cPTSD, Developmental Trauma, Inner Child Work, Trauma Release Therapy, Psychotherapeutic Energy Healing, Spiritual Psychotherapy, Soul Retrieval)

Video Transcript: This time of the year and what you should be doing relative to the Sun and relative to the energies of this time so this holiday time this holiday spirit these celebrations are occurring when the calendar year at a time where the sun on the winter solstice on December 21st has been at its lowest point so we are just days from this and although now the days are getting gradually longer and longer and longer with more and more sunlight December 21st is the shortest day of the year which is the darkest day of the year in the 24 hour period with the least amount of sunlight and so energetically etherically by the natural world this time of the year is calling for conservation.

It's calling for introversion it's calling for hibernation for you to gather your energies to be within yourself and to cocoon to process to dilute in order to prepare yourself for the springtime which is the beginning of the year so that you can have a new cycle refreshed and it's a good time for self-reflection for reflection in general to reconsider most importantly to detox because as you know in the springtime we're planting our seeds we're planting our ecological seeds or planting or psychological seeds we're planting the seeds of the Futures that we want to create and then those seeds are going to be expanding and maturing throughout the annual cycle among other cycles, but in this case we're talking about the annual cycle.

December is when the seed has matured the plant has grown the fruits have ripened and been harvested so many of the activities that were being called towards these celebrations these big, rich meals these lavish open parties are actually in conflict and in contrast with what the energies of the time are expressing to us so if you have a unpleasant feeling or discomfort or you feel challenged by this time one it could be that it is genuinely validly very difficult for many people to go through this period because we are either being confronted with the emotional woundings of our relationships with the people who we are being told to spend time with now to have a good time with now to bond with now there may be some unresolved pains that are festering beneath this celebratory mask and the celebratory story and this could be learning not just between you in this real time and your current family members but also triggering ancestral pains and it's also difficult for people who are being told it is a time for family who are alone and that can rise up feelings of failure or inadequacy and for sure loneliness because the contrast is amplified and also there are those who are wrestling with the memories of unpleasant painful family experiences during the holiday times in the past it's a very triggering time so there is this.

Also there is the experience of what the nature the environment of Earth is doing right now relative to the Sun and what our physical bodies and our primordial knowledge and our etheric spirit is telling us to do at this time and so if you're getting a calling towards a different kind of activity listen to that voice try to unpack what that is and try to go along with it even if you do enjoy this time and you do enjoy the time with family or friends or in celebration in openness and in connectivity it may still be a good time to consider a detox to let your body flush out and flush through what is no longer needed so that you have space to metabolize and process and Digest and have energy for the seeds that you're going to plant in the springtime and to have power for the year to come so it's a good time to release to make space so that the combustion processes that you're going to need for the springtime we'll be there for you you'll be there for you.

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